52词语>英语词典>business organisation翻译和用法

business organisation



  • The weakness with top-down changes like these, says David Hofmann, professor of organisational behaviour at the Kenan-Flagler business school at the University of North Carolina, is that it tells the rest of the organisation that you are the problem.
  • The disturbing figures come in the annual report on productivity trends from the Conference Board, the global business organisation, which tracks output, employment and hours worked across the world.
  • But the calculation of exchange rate misalignments is a highly uncertain business, and incorporating them into trade policy will involve endless debates – and most likely perpetual World Trade Organisation litigation – about the methodology of macroeconometric modelling.
  • We are not closing the door on Weld Range, however, we must make the right business decisions to protect our assets and ensure a realistic future for our organisation, he said.
  • Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation, invests and focuses on arts and cultures.
  • Rich countries will struggle to achieve the rises in living standards their citizens think are normal unless they sustain faster increases in economic efficiency, according to a report today from the conference board, the international business organisation.
  • For example, at the Partner and Gold Partner level, we will share leads for business opportunities that match your skills and geographic focus with your organisation.
  • At a time when the business world is facing an increasingly uncertain future, Durham Business School is very well equipped to play a leading role in helping you and your organisation.
  • If history is any guide, the impact of the latest technologies on business organisation is likely to be vast; it is also likely to be more gradual than the rolling hype of the last decade suggests.
  •   this means informality, openness and a lack of hierarchy in our business attire. In keeping with a solutions organisation, it is outcome-based.